5 Tips to Maximize the ROI of Your Next Event:
Ditch the Swag, Give Back, and Generate Leads!
- Swap swag for social impact: Ditch the logo-laden trinkets that often end up in the trash. Instead, offer attendees the chance to donate to a meaningful charity in exchange for their email address. It’s a win-win: attendees feel good supporting a cause they care about, and you gain valuable leads!
- Use branded signage and brand colors. Branded signage is a great way to ensure attendees know who you are. With Give2Lead, every sign includes your logo and you can print it in any size. Depending on the event, and the overall look of your booth, you may want to print one or multiple 8×10 signs to put in frames, or larger prints to mount on foam core (handle this sign with care and reuse it of course!). Choose a tablecloth or cover that matches your brand colors. Don’t show up with a wrinkled table cover, it screams “I don’t care!”
- Practice your conversation starters. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make it matter! Some great conversation starters are: “Would you like to learn more about what we do at XYZ Company while also supporting ABC local cause?” or “Would you like to (INSERT PRODUCT BENEFIT OR PROMISE) while also making a difference for our community? By using Give2Lead you give attendees the opportunity to feel good and do good. Giving attendees a chance to support a cause creates a positive and memorable experience. This fosters a positive brand association and leaves a lasting impression, this new positive brand association translates to improved brand equity.
- Be genuine and friendly. Stand up, put the phone away, and be available to connect with attendees. If you’re sitting behind your table with your head down or in a deep conversation with a colleague, you put off a vibe that says “don’t approach me.” Instead, lead with the intention to make one person’s day better. You don’t have to jump right into selling or promoting your product. Start with the simple idea of connecting with attendees in a welcoming them in a friendly way.
- Stand out from the crowd: Be the booth that attendees remember for all the right reasons! Purpose-led lead gen with Give2Lead sets you apart from the competition. And, with Give2Lead’s simple lead capture tool, you can easily follow up with your new lead to begin to nurture the relationship.
Ready to transform your next event? Give2lead can help! Contact us today and let’s create an event that generates leads and makes a difference.
#GiveBackGetLeads #SwapSwagforSocialImpact