Converting Trash to Treasure one lead at a time

Who is give2lead?

We’re on a mission to help businesses swap wasteful branded swag for meaningful social impact.

Give2Lead offers a solution for small and medium-sized businesses that enables seamless lead generation and deepens community engagement all while delivering more sustainable event marketing practices.

Our Founder

Marcie Shelton

In early 2022, Give2Lead founder, Marcie Shelton hosted a booth at a local conference for her Leadership Consulting Business (The Leaders Partner) and felt that something was very wrong with the traditional exchange between vendors and event-goers.

Vendors hauled in boxes of swag and tchotchkes branded with their logo, hoping to meet new prospects and make an ‘impression’ on them with a pencil, a squeeze ball, a USB drive, or some other piece of plastic that would ultimately (and usually quite quickly) end up in a landfill.  She was dismayed to learn that nationwide, small to medium-sized businesses spend an average of $25.2 billion on promotional swag every year, with nearly all of that promotional swag ending up as landfill waste.

Marcie asked herself a powerful question – “What if there was a better way to gather leads at conferences by giving back to the community instead of filling up people’s closets and trash cans?”

With that question as the premise, over the past 12 months, she’s been hard at work asking even more powerful questions, ideating, listening, learning, and building Give2Lead.  As a dedicated community member and business owner in the #GreaterSacramentoRegion, Marcie has a passion for spending, giving and building in a way that helps local communities thrive. 

Improved ROI and Revenue Through Tech-Enhanced Lead Capture at Events

Generate and capture email leads effectively in exchange for a donation to a local cause.

Simplified Event Prep

Streamline pre-event work, easy booth setup, and professional appearance, saving time and effort with pre-designed posters and custom QR code.

Save Money and Save the Planet

Affordable platform setup and operation and reduced spending on disposable swag that ends up in landfills.

Deepen Community Connection and Grow Brand Affinity

Strengthen connections with the local community and neighboring businesses, through powerful give back story that fosters brand affinity.

Effortless Implementation and Management

No more carrying heavy boxes to events! Easy set up means you’re ready to go in minutes with print-on-demand options saving you time and headache.

Multiply the value of the dollars you invest. 

Leverage a giveback strategy to support your community and generate leads and brand affinity, while saving the planet.  With Give2Lead you turn trash to treasures. See your potential impact here