Creative Ways to Make Give2Lead work for you
I get regular questions about how to use Give2Lead. Here are several ideas that I’ve discussed with current and prospective clients that I think can benefit the whole Give2Lead community:
- Conversation – you need to have one!! Don’t just stand behind your table and hope people scan the poster. Get out in front. Welcome them. Talk about what their needs are. Ask them “instead of giving me a business card, would you mind scanning this code and entering the same information? Instead of giving you back a piece of swag (that you’ll probably throw in a drawer) I’ll use my marketing dollars to make a different and give back to a non-profit.”
- Presentation – maybe you are not a sponsor but have a wonderful opportunity to speak at an event. Like most speakers, your audience are perspective clients. You can put your QR code at the end of your slide deck and invite people to share their contact information with you in exchange for you giving back to the community.
- 50/50 – Many of you tell me that your perspective clients still want a ‘gift’. If you have the budget, you could do a 50/50 – meaning perhaps in exchange for their contact information, you not only give $5 to a non-profit, but you also will send them a $5 gift card for coffee or other treat.
- Prize Drawing – Along the same lines as 50/50 – you can have one (sustainable) item or basket of items that all your perspective clients can enter to win by scanning the qr code and entering their contact information. You still give back to the community with every lead, and they have a chance of winning something.
- New Business – All new businesses I know would love to have a client list when their doors open. Now you can! When you host a Open House, Ribbon Cutting, or other celebration to draw new customers – have a Check-In Station. In return for checking in (and providing contact info) you will donate to one or more non-profits. It’s a way to know who was there and thank them for coming.
- Newsletter Sign Up – Whether you’re new or have been around for a while – chances are you’d love to have people sign up for your newsletter. You can put a poster at your register, or a link at the end of your on-line check out, to invite the customer to scan/click to sign up and in return you’ll donate.
I’d love to year your ideas!! Let us know what other ways Give2Lead can help our community help each other.
#MoreGood with #LessWaste.