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Who is Give2Lead?

At Give2Lead we live by 4 core values:

  • We Lead with Purpose:
      • At Give2Lead, every act of giving is driven by a clear purpose. Whether it’s redirecting promotional budgets towards nonprofits or fostering community connections, our giving is intentional, impactful, and aimed at creating positive change. We believe that purposeful giving is the key to transforming not only businesses but also the communities we serve.
  • We Love People and the Planet:
      • Our commitment extends beyond just people; it encompasses our deep appreciation for the planet we inhabit. Through our purpose-led mission, together we can divert tons of waste from landfills and instead fill the unmet needs in our community. 
  • Lead is a noun. And a verb. And both begin with connection.
      • Whether we’re talking about generating leads for your business or leading the way to a better world, we know connection and heart are key.  We recognize the human aspect in every interaction. Our approach is not just about transactions; it’s about building meaningful relationships that matter.
  • Simple Is Better:
    • In a world cluttered with complexity (and too much stuff!), Give2Lead embraces simplicity. From our mission to our user experience of our platform to the solutions we offer, we always seek to allow simplicity to  be our guide. We understand that simplicity fosters clarity, making it easier for businesses to embrace sustainable practices and make a meaningful impact effortlessly.

Our Value Proposition

Give2Lead offers a solution for small and medium-sized businesses that enables seamless lead generation and deepens community engagement all while delivering more sustainable event marketing practices. With Give2Lead’s easy-to-use platform, pre-designed materials, and a unique approach to replacing wasteful event swag with community giving, Give2Lead not only multiplies the value of marketing dollars but also strengthens brand affinity and contributes to corporate responsibility. By simplifying processes, reducing costs, and making a lasting positive impact, Give2Lead is the go-to choice for businesses aiming to elevate their marketing, sustainability, and community engagement efforts.